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Scrambled eggs with Bamboo fungus segments

2018-11-27 15:42:09

10g Bamboo fungi (Dictyophora indusiata)
2 eggs
10g ham slices
A handful of chopped shallot (or shallot segments if you like)
A pinch of salt
Cooking procedures:
1. Soak Bamboo fungi in water for 10 minutes, then cut into segments and set aside.
2. In a stockpot filled with water, drop in Bamboo fungus segments, ham slices and chopped shallot, bring into a boil, then lower to soft flame and maintain for another 15 minutes. 
3. In a bowl, beaten 2 eggs and stir well, then pour into a hot wok, when it is halfway cooked, break into chunks.
4. Remove boiled Bamboo fungus segments with a slotted spoon and into the wok, frequently combine with egg chunks and allow for another 2 minutes. Enjoy.