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Growth requirement on 5 mushroom varieties

2018-08-16 16:21:12

1. King oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii): During the period of spawn running, the preferred temperature is 24 degrees Celsius or so and range for relative air humidity is 60%-65%, besides, during that period, illumination is not required while ventilation should be enhanced once or twice each day, and each time should be maintained at 30-60 minutes.
2. Pleurotus cornucopiae: It is a kind of medium and low type, temperature range for growth of mycelia is 5-28 degrees Celsius and the optimal condition is 25 degrees Celsius. During the fruiting phase, suitable temperature range is 10-22 degrees Celsius, when it is higher than 22 degrees Celsius, primordia are hard to differentiate. For that variety, fruiting is hardly realized in hot summer, and during the period of flush-turning, suitable temperature range is 20-22 degrees Celsius. During the growth period of mycelia, humidity of compost and relative air humidity should be respectively kept at 65% and 60%. During the fruiting phase, 85%-95% of air humidity is proper while it should be maintained below 80% during the period of flush-turning.
3. Pleurotus pulmonarius: Temperature range for growth of mycelia is 2-35 degrees Celsius and the optimal range is 24-26 degrees Celsius. During the growth stage of sporocarps, the suitable temperature range is 5-30 degrees and the optimal range is 10-26 degrees.
During the growth period of mycelia, humidity of compost and relative air humidity should be respectively kept at 60% and 65%. And during the period of spawn running, 65% of environmental humidity is preferred.
During the fruiting and growth period, humidity range of cultivation site could be raised to 85%-90%.
Regulation method: Hang up thermometer in cultivation site, open up the windows and doors to enhance the ventilation and reduce the humidity. Through atomizing on the ground and space, humidity of the site could be effectively raised.
4. Pleurotus nebrodensis: It is a kind of medium and low type, temperature range for growth of mycelia is 25-28 degrees Celsius, and mycelia stop the growth at a range of 35-38 degrees Celsius. For mushroom buds, temperature range on differentiation is 0-18 degrees Celsius. During the growth phase of sporocarps, suitable temperature range is 8-25 degrees Celsius and the optimal status is 13-18 degrees Celsius.
5. Agrocybe cylindracea: It is resistant to high and low temperature, and it grows in subtropical region. In general, water content of substrate should be controlled at 65%, partially-dry or partially-wet substrate goes against the growth of mycelia. Besides, during the fruiting phase, 100% relative air humidity is suitable while it could be lowered to 85% after the fruiting phase.