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Six ways to guarantee the bumper output of Button mushroom

2018-06-25 16:00:52

1. Input sufficient substrate: Growth of Button mushroom requires sufficient nutritional basis. In order to acquire high yield, growers have to avoid the phenomenon of dead mushroom buds caused by innutrition. When preparing for substrate, be sure to control input amount of materials at 30-35 kg per square meter, and carefully complete the composting and after-fermentation.
2. Choose superior strain: select mushroom strains which lead robust and vigorous growth trend, and input sufficient nutrients in substrate of strain. In addition, it is also crucial to keep cultivation room sanitary, and retain fresh air. During the cultivation process, be sure to frequently check on temperature variation so as to allow mycelia to grow under suitable temperature. Lastly, timely give up contaminated strains.
3. select proper cultivation time: In China, Button mushroom growers usually collect materials and do the composting in August, and carry out the sowing in September.
4. Scientifically manage on moisture: Growers could implement moisture management in accordance with the condition of weather and fruiting amount, spray more water in sunny day, and vice versa. Frequently spray water in the case of plenty of mushrooms.
5. Enhance the ventilation of mushroom house: Growth of Button mushroom absorbs oxygen while exhasting carbon dioxide. High-concentration carbon dioxide is undoubtedly harmful to the growth of sporocarps. Long-time ventilation, high-concentration carbon dioxide and insufficient oxygen bring adverse effects to the growth of mushroom, and hence ventilation of mushroom house should be firmly grasped by growers.
6. Prevent and control diseases and pests in time: In order to thoroughly get rid of the sources of disease and pest, and prevent them from entering into mushroom house, growers could strictly do the fermentation. When finding any diseases and pests, be sure to timely get rid of contaminated mushrooms, and implement pharmic control to avoid the extension.