cembn@outlook.com or CEMBN_MARKET@HOTMAIL.COM


Tonic and anticancer soup: White beech mushroom soup with pearl barley and iron stick yam

2018-06-06 15:51:00

A handful of pearl barley
An iron stick yam
A package of White beech mushroom
Condiments: Salt and light soy sauce
1. Soak pearl barley for hours ahead of time. Thoroughly rinse iron stick yam off, soak in saline water before cutting it into segments.
2. Trim White beech mushrooms and tear into individuals. 
3. In a stockpot, drop in pearl barley and yam segments, combine with sufficient water and bring into a boil, then lower to soft flame and maintain for 20 minutes or so.
4. Let White beech mushrooms join in, season to taste with moderate light soy sauce, a dash of salt and cook for another 5-10 minutes till tasty. Serve.