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Measures on output increase of Enoki mushroom

2018-05-24 16:41:22

In general, 2 flushes of output could be harvested on Enoki mushroom cultivation, after the first flush, growers could sufficiently spray water on surface of compost, then go on the management in accordance with the phase of mycelia. And the second flushes of mushroom vigorously evolve after 7-10 days. The biological conversion ratio of Enoki mushroom is generally at 80%, in order to lift it, cultivators could adopt the following measures:
1. After harvesting each flush of mushroom, be sure to get rid of malformed mushrooms and waste ingredients as well as hardened and aged mycelia.
2. Decline any water-spraying within 2-3 days so as to lower the humidity, besides, it is necessary to uncover the coverings in bag mouth so as to enhance the ventilation, promote the vitality of mycelia and accumulate nutrient substances.
3. With the purpose of supplementing moisture to substrate, 3-4 days after mushroom picking, cultivators could inject 40-60 ml of water into mushroom bags and maintain for 2 hours or so before pouring water away.
4. Reinforce nutrients: It is advisable to supplement 1% sweet water and small amount of urea or Monopotassium phosphate into mushroom bags.
5. For mushroom bags that carry through one-side fruiting, after the second flushes, cultivators could tighten bag mouth, cut off bag bottom and then conduct normal fruiting management.
By implementing aforementioned measures, Enoki mushroom cultivation could be realized for 3-4 flushes, in case of cultivation that regards cotton seed hulls as main ingredients, biological conversion ratio hits 100%-150% while it obtains 80%-120% in condition of sawdust and corncob.