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Healthy family recipe: Fried Drumstick mushroom with asparagus lettuce

2018-02-01 16:06:52

220g Drumstick mushrooms
1 asparagus lettuce
1 red pepper 
Condiments: Oil, starch, cooking wine, chicken powder
1. Rinse Drumstick mushrooms, cut them into slices.
2. Remove the leaves of asparagus lettuce, peel it and cut it into slices.
3. Go seed of red pepper, then coarsely cut it into slices.
4. In a bowl, combine with half spoon of starch, 3 spoons of water and stir evenly.
5. In a skillet, add moderate oil, once hot, drop in Drumstick mushroom slices and stir for 2 minutes, then add red pepper slices.
6. Combine with asparagus lettuce slices, stirring for 1-2 minutes till soft, then dump with moderate water.
7. Season with a spoon of cooking wine, sprinkle with moderate chicken powder. Finally pour in the prepared sauce and go on for another 2 minutes.