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Three probable phenomenons and matters during King oyster mushroom cultivation

2018-01-24 16:12:38

Phenomenon 1: What to do when finding that King oyster mushrooms lead crooked growth trend?
Analysis: Disturbance of growth on stipe caused by bacteria infection during the formation period of primordia. Besides, strain degeneration might result in this kind of phenomenon.
Precautionary measures: Enhance moisture management during the germination period, refrain from a high humidity environment for a long time. Besides, strengthen the sanitation of fruiting house so as to eliminate the source of pollution. And choose strains produced from reliable factories whenever possible so that strain degeneration resulted from artificial propagation could be eliminated.
Phenomenon 2: How to solve it when excessive water content is shown in mushroom bags during the spawn-running period?
Measures: It is UNABLE for cultivators to remove moisture they put into substrate. In case of small-amount cultivation, cultivators could poke holes on the bottom and then put them on dried lime so as to drain off excessive moisture.
Phenomenon 3: What gives rise to slow mycelia growth of King oyster mushroom? 
Key: a. Poor vitality on strain.
b. Too-tight bagging or excessive water content (Above 65%), insufficient oxygen inhibits the growth speed of mycelia.
C. In case of too-low temperature of spawn running, 20 degrees Celsius, for instance, with the addition of poor ventilation or improper PH Value of compost (Suitable PH Value is at 7 or so) causes slow spawn running.