cembn@outlook.com or CEMBN_MARKET@HOTMAIL.COM


Braised Agrocybe cylindracea with tofu

2017-12-14 15:56:48

30g dried Agrocybe cylindracea
1 box of tofu
1 red and green pepper
Condiments: Salt, oil, oyster sauce, minced garlic
1. Soak Agrocybe cylindracea in warm water, remove the impurities and then set them aside.
2. Rinse the red and green pepper, cut them into chunks, and cut tofu into thick slices.
3. In a frying pan, add a little oil, when hot, add tofu slices and fry till golden, about 3-5 minutes, then remove them into a bowl.
4. Sprinkle with moderate oil, drop in minced garlic and fry till fragrant, then invite Agrocybe cylindracea and stir over high flame for 2 minutes.
5. Combine with fried tofu slices, season to taste with a spoon of oyster sauce, braising till Agrocybe cylindracea are soft.
6. Finally let red and pepper chunks join in and spread a dash of salt. Enjoy.