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The management kernels of Shiitake during the fruiting period between May and July

2017-05-20 09:19:24

1. The climate characteristics from May and June are high temperature in daytime, low temperature at night and low relative air humidity. After managing mushroom bags, mushroom farmers could utilize temperature and humidity difference to stimulate the formation of mushroom buds. At daytime, you could cover film in mushroom greenhouse so as to create the condition of high temperature. At night, you could uncover film, combine with water-spraying to decrease temperature while raising day and night temperature. After 3-5 days of stimulation, white cracks appear on surface of mushroom bag and grow into mushroom buds. After the formation, you could pick out tufty and incomplete buds. Besides, on account of high temperature and high moisture evaporation, you should spray water from time to time and strengthen the ventilation to lower temperature. When it comes to water-spraying, you could do it 2 or 3 times in a sunny day and spray for 1 or 2 times in a cloudy day. What’s more, picking should be timely arranged in view of high temperature and could be done in the morning or at night. When picking mushrooms, you should hold mushroom bag with one hand and pinch the base of stipe, turn and then pick up matured mushrooms. It should be noted that you could thoroughly pick mushrooms and reduce the water content of mushroom bag. After 3-5 days, bud pressing could be done for 2-4 times in a day by spraying low temperature water, after that, all the cultivation procedures could be arranged in common practice.
2. The management in summer: For most of regions, temperature reaches to above 35 degrees in July and the key management point is to lower the temperature of greenhouse, strengthen the ventilation and prevent mildew and sundry fungi. 
When the temperature is relatively high, you could spray water on film of greenhouse, reduce the temperature of fungi bed. In general, you could spray water for 2 or 3 times in sunny day and spray for 1 or 2 times in cloudy day, give ventilation every morning and night and each time remains about 2 hours. In addition, summer is the high-occurrence season of mildew, when you find a few mildew, be sure to apply quick lime and cover it on infected part so as to prevent the spreading of mildew, when dealing with large area of milldew, the efficient way is to dig the part out and then spray 800-1000 times of Carbendazim. Finally wish you have a bumper harvest.