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The efficient methods on winter mushroom management

2017-02-09 16:25:59

Along with the decrease of temperature, the growth of mushroom spawns and sporocarps become slow, the respiration intensity and the amount of fruiting get reduced. Under that circumstance, the mushrooms are in thick texture and superior quality. The followings are three efficient methods on winter mushroom management:
1. Raise the temperature of fungus bed: Pay attention to check the films of mushroom greenhouse, when you find any damaged parts, be sure to timely repair. In the daytime, the temperature of mushroom could be retained through the irradiation of sunlight and the biological heat of spawns. At night, you could additionally cover grass carpets on greenhouse so as to prevent frost and frostbite.
2. Moisturize and control the humidity: After the spawn running, the sticks of Shiitake and Oyster mushroom suffer from more water loss, meaning 50%-60% of original weight, under that circumstance, you should timely moisturize. Before you conduct that motion, firstly open up the windows and doors of greenhouse and ventilate for 3-4 days. When moisturizing, the ideal source is well water, you could inject the needle into sticks, with the help of the pressure of water pump, sticks are able to supplement sufficient moisture at short notice. In addition, you could spray more water on a large amount of mushroom bodies and during the bud period, be sure to spray less water on less amount of mushroom bodies.
3. Look out the ventilation and avoid the assault of north wind: After the occurrence of mushroom bud, they lead vigorous breathing. In case of poor ventilation, the concentration of carbon dioxide could be high, which inhibits the formation and growth of sporocarps. When it comes to ventilation, you could conduct it around noon or whenever you meet higher temperature, control the time in with 10-20 minutes. You could also go in and out of greenhouse in south side so as to prevent dry and cold wind assault.