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Braised Monkey head mushroom with ribs

2017-02-09 16:06:04

Ingredients: Monkey head mushrooms, ribs, salt, ginger
Cooking method:
1. Prepare all ingredients, wash Monkey head mushrooms, wash ribs and get rid of blood.
2. Remove the roots of Monkey head mushroom and then tear into small pieces.
3. Give a quick boil to Monkey head mushrooms for about 1-2 minutes to eliminate almost all the bitter flavors.
4. Dump moderate water into the pot and combine with ribs, after boiling, skim off the floating foams and keep aside.
5. Let boiled Monkey head mushrooms and ginger slices join into a marmite, pour in the soup that was used for boiling ribs, and braise in soft heat for 40 minutes.
6. Season with a pinch of salt, braise for another 10 minutes and serve.