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The kernels on Enoki mushroom cultivation

2017-01-20 16:01:42

1. Temperature: Enoki mushroom falls under with fruiting performance under low temperature. Spawns grow under 3-34 degrees, the optimum growth temperature refers to a range of 20-30 degree.
2. Humidity: Spawns grow in the quickest speed when the water content of substrate is 63%-65%, moreover, relative air humidity of mushroom house should be kept in 80%-90%.
3. Air: Enoki mushroom is a kind of aerobic fungus, sufficient oxygen is needed during the fruiting period. 
4. PH Value: Enoki mushroom needs mild acid substrates, spawns grow when the PH Value is in 3-8.4. The superior range is 4-7.
5. Light: Enoki mushroom is a kind of photophobic fungus, light plays a key role in maturing sporocarp, hence its cultivation condition should be remained dark. 