cembn@outlook.com or CEMBN_MARKET@HOTMAIL.COM


How to prepare the fruiting formulas of Pleurotus nebrodensis?

2017-01-19 15:59:01

Here are three formulas for reference:
A. 90% cottonseed hull, 5% corn flour, 2% gypsum, 1% sugar, 2% quick lime 
B. 40% cottonseed hull, 38% sawdust, 18% corn flour, 1% sugar, 1% gypsum, 2% quick lime
C. 52% cottonseed hull, 35% corncob, 10% corn flour, 1% gypsum, 2% quick lime
During the cultivation period of Pleurotus nebrodensis, you could pay attention to the following two points: 
1. The after-maturing of spawns: After Pleurotus nebrodensis terminates the spawn running, it also needs 20-40 days or so before you begin the fruiting management. Under that circumstance, you could look out the water content of substrate and do not open bag mouth, moreover, certain scattered light is needed during this period.
2. Slow fruiting: After the termination of the after-maturing period of spawns, be sure to stimulate fungus sacks to fruit in a speedy trend, the specific method is to adjust the humidity of greenhouse to 85% or so, enhance the temperature difference stimulation to above 10 degrees and remain for about 10-15 days.