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Several measures to prevent mushroom frost damage in rainy and snowy day

2017-01-18 16:31:04

For general mushroom varieties, they are resistant to low temperature. But it brings about losses if you are not careful enough. During the period of cold snap, low temperature, rainy or snowy weather, you should pay attention to the following matters:
1. Stop spraying or injecting water to the sticks of Shiitake and Black fungus, try to keep sticks dry and clean. As in low temperature, the mycelia of mushrooms enter into low-temperature dormant state, low water content facilitates enhancing the ability of freeze resistance. With the rise of temperature, be sure to timely spray water and continue the fruiting management.
2. Enhance the heat preservation of Shiitake greenhouse: Wrap the plastic film on the bottom of greenhouse so as to reduce the cold air attack on the bottom. Secondly, jam the gaps and try to eliminate the heat dissipation between the gaps. In addition, in the north face of greenhouse, build up windbreak with stalks. In sunny day or whenever the temperature rises, be sure to enhance the ventilation, raise the temperature of greenhouse and remain certain fresh air. If condition permits, you could utilize facilities to warm up and raise the temperature of mushroom greenhouse.
3. Reinforce the bearing structure of mushroom greenhouse, timely clear away the accumulated ice and snow on the top or in the surrounding area of greenhouse.
4. Additionally cover thin film, sunshade net and other coverings on ridged sowing bed so as to keep warm and dehumidify.
5. Dig drainage trenching in the surrounding areas of Shiitake greenhouse and the fruiting venue of Black fungus so as to guarantee smooth drainage, eliminate any attack or soaking phenomenon on sticks by rain-water and snow-water. (Source: Chinese Qingyuan Web)