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The new tricks on controlling dead Button mushrooms

2017-01-05 16:19:02

1. Reasons: Continuous high temperature, poor ventilation, insufficient nutrient, improper watering and PH Value, aged spawns, too dense fruiting and too high fruiting position, diseases and pests, pesticide abuse and other wrong moves.
2. Control measures: 
A. Prepare a high-nutritional compost: Like other biology, the growth of Button mushroom requires sufficient nutritional base, hence dead mushroom buds could be prevented to a great extend. When you prepare compost, be sure to input 30-35kg of materials in each square meter, meanwhile, carefully and seriously conduct the stacking and fermentation work of compost, which facilitates avoiding dead mushrooms that are caused by insufficient nutrition during the fruiting period.
B. Choose superior strain: You should select mushroom  strain which holds robust growth trend. In addition, prepare abundant nutrient in strain substrate, keep clean of cultivation room and guarantee fresh air. During the cultivation phase of strain, be sure to frequently check on temperature changes so that you make sure that spawns grow under moderate temperature,    when you find any infected strain, get rid of it at once.
C. Timely cultivation: In general, materials should be prepared and stacked in August, sowing should be done in September.
D. Scientific watering: When it comes to moisture management, you should spray water in accordance with actual circumstances on weather and fruiting amount. You could spray more water in sunny day and on a large amount of mushroom, spray less in rainy day.