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Termitomyces Industry is leading a speedy development tendency

2016-12-30 11:09:52

As one of the four pillar industries, Mushroom Industry has been developing quickly in recent years in Jinxiang County, Shandong Province.
At present, Jinxiang County holds the Termitomyces cultivation area of 120,000 square meters, its high-efficient, three-dimensional, anniversary cultivation and other modes rank the national leading level, what’s more, the county also owns 2 specialized cultivation enterprises of Termitomyces, the annual production could reach 15 million tons and the annual production value totals above 90 million CNY, moreover, more than 200 surrounding farmers have been leaded to engage in Termitomyces cultivation, primary processing and marketing, the incomes per capita add up to above 20,000 CNY.