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The control method of dead Button mushrooms

2016-12-28 16:01:42

1. Reason: Continuous high temperature, poor ventilation, insufficient nutrient, improper usage of water, aged spawns, improper PH Value, too dense fruiting, diseases and pests and pesticide abuse could cause dead Button mushrooms.
2. Control method: 
A. Prepare full compost: Just like other bionts, the growth of Button mushroom needs sufficient nutrition base. To acquire high yield of Button mushroom, you should avoid Malnutrition. When preparing compost, be sure to input 30-35kg of material in each square meter and be careful with the motion of heap building and fermentation, which facilitate reducing dead mushrooms and achieving high yield.
B. Choose superior strains: You could choose strains which hold robust characteristic, the nutrient of substrate should be sufficient, and the cultivation room should be clean and owns fresh air. During the cultivation process of strain, you should frequently check out temperature changes, make spawns grow under thermophilic condition and timely remove any infected strains.
C. Cultivate in due season: August is generally settled to prepare materials and build heaps. Sowing is usually be done in September.
D. Scientific usage of water: You should spray water in accordance with weather and the amount of fruiting, spray more water in sunny day and in large amount of mushroom, oppositely, spray less in cloudy day.
E. Ventilation: In normal growth period of Button mushroom, oxygen should be absorbed and carbon dioxide should be emitted. High concentration carbon dioxide is harmful to the growth of sporocarps. Long-time poor ventilation for a , insufficient oxygen and excessive concentration of carbon oxygen do harm to the growth of Button mushroom, hence you should pay extra attention to ventilation during the cultivation process of Button mushroom.