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The control methods on diseases and pests of Ganoderma

2016-11-28 15:23:18

Regarding diseases and pest of Ganoderma cultivation, you could carry out the policy of “Prevention First, Integrated control.” The followings are four key points.
1. Variety selection: Choose high-quality Ganoderma variety which holds strong stress resistance and considerable capacity to achieve high yield. Furthermore, be sure to guarantee that the strain is free from virus, sundry fungi, mites and other pests.
2. Sterilization: Guarantee thorough sterilization on compost, be sure to continuously preserve heat for at least 18 hours when the temperature rises to 100 degrees.
3. Environmental control: Maintain the sanitation of Ganoderma field and the surrounding area, timely get rid of any contaminated sticks, then conduct field disinfection and sterilization.
4. Control pests: Utilize fly nets, sunshade nets and other functional nets to isolate cultivation room and Ganoderma greenhouse in an effort to prevent pests from invading. Moreover, a series of devices regarding UV and Ozone could be applied on inoculation tools and cultivation field for disinfection. The last choice is to install insecticidal lamp to trap and kill pests.