cembn@outlook.com or CEMBN_MARKET@HOTMAIL.COM


Recipe: fried Monkey head mushroom with tripe slices

2016-08-25 09:36:27

Ingredients: dried Monkey head mushroom, pork tripe, oil, sesame oil, salt, aginomoto, sugar, pepper powder, cooking wine.
Cooking method: 
1. Soak dried Monkey head mushrooms in warm water, finely wash and cut into slices.
2. Give a quick boil to Monkey head mushrooms, ladle out, drain off excessive water and keep aside.
3. Heat the pot and add moderate oil, add pork tripe, Monkey head mushroom slices and fry.
4. Season heavily with cooking wine, salt, sugar, aginomoto, sesame oil and fry well.
5. Finally scatter moderate pepper powder and serve.