cembn@outlook.com or CEMBN_MARKET@HOTMAIL.COM


Recipe: stewed chicken with Yellow morel

2016-08-23 13:45:51

Main ingredients: Yellow morel, black-bone chicken
Auxiliary material: medlar, red dates, bamboo slices, soup-stock
Condiments: salt, onion segments, ginger slices, cooking wine and chicken powder.
Cooking method: 
1. Soak dried Yellow morel in warm water and then finely wash. 
2. Gut and wash back-bone chicken, then give a quick boil and then remove from the pot.
3. Heat the pot, add soup-stock, black-bone chicken and bring into boil,  then skim off floating foam.
4. Season with cooking wine, salt, chicken powder, onion segments, ginger slices, Yellow morel, medlar, red dates and all all ingredients simmer in moderate heat until well stewed.