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Methods on reducing diseases and pests of mushroom

2016-06-29 16:04:41

1. Keep clean of mushroom house : mushroom house should be thoroughly cleaned up before using, people should spray with the solution of 800 times of DDVP. When cultivating mushroom outdoors, people should pull out surrounding weeds of cultivation field and use 250 times of Trichlorfon solution to spray on soil and field.
2. Prevent adult pests: when conducting indoor cultivation, people should use thin gauze element to nail on windows, doors and air holes to prevent adult pests. People could also trap and kill them by putting DCVP solution under the light.
3. Trap and kill adult pests: mushroom flies and mosquitoes possess phototaxis, people could set black light lamp or daylight lamp and put DDVP solution in the light.
4. Pharmic fumigating: for indoor cultivation of mushroom, in airtight condition, people could use 2 or 3 pieces of Aluminium phosphide in each cubic metre to fumigate and kill indoor pests.
5. Dispose compost: people could use 15ml of Dicofol for each 50kg and add 10kg of water, evenly spray on material, then heap up for 3 days, this method could kill all pests. People could also mix 40%, 500 times of Octyl mercaptan or 2.5%, 1000 times of Dicis, which have good effects on pest-killing.
6. Spray drug to kill pests: when finding pests before fruiting, people could spray 500 times of Dipterex, 1000 times of Dicis or 800 times of DDVP to kill pests.