cembn@outlook.com or CEMBN_MARKET@HOTMAIL.COM


Fried carrot with Enoki mushroom

2016-06-29 08:37:48

Ingredients: Enoki mushroom, carrot, Black fungus, onion, ginger, salt, cooking wine, sugar, vinegar, light soy sauce
Cooking method:
1. Cut carrot in slices, remote roots of Enoki mushroom, soak Black fungus and tear into slices, cut ginger into slices and cut onion into segments.
2. Add moderate salt into boiling water and boil Enoki mushroom for a while and then ladle out.
3. Add oil into the pot, and then add ginger slices, onion segments and stir for a while, then add carrot and Black fungus and stir.
4. Add moderate cooking wine, a spoon of salt and moderate sugar, add Enoki mushroom and stir, add moderate vinegar and light soy sauce and then turn off the heat.