cembn@outlook.com or CEMBN_MARKET@HOTMAIL.COM


Braised tofu with Agrocybe cylindracea and Calocybe gambosa

2016-05-24 09:35:03

Ingredients: tofu, Agrocybe cylindracea, Calocybe gambosa, green pepper, red pepper, oyster sauce, salt, ginger slices, water
Cooking method:
1. Cut tofu in slices, wash and cut green and red pepper into rhombus slices.
2. Wash Agrocybe cylindracea, Calocybe gambosa and cut in slices.
3. Heat the pot, add moderate oil, then add ginger slices and fry, add tofu slices and fry until both sides are golden.
4. Add Agrocybe cylindracea, Calocybe gambosa and fry with fried tofu slices.
5. Add oyster sauce and moderate water, then turn into soft heat and braise for 5 minutes.
6. Finally add red pepper slices, green pepper slices and moderate salt.