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Five measures to increase the production of Straw mushroom

2016-05-16 15:05:40

1. Add heating agent: when doing windrow, add 1% of heating agent to speed up the running speed of spawn.
2. Turn single face into double faces: put plastic mesh in bedsteads, then spread material and inoculate to make simultaneous fruiting both on bottom of bed and the surface of material, this method can reduce lead times and increase 20% of production.
3. The cover material on the surface of bed: there are two choices, the first is earthing: after growing abundant hyphae, cover 1 to 3cm depth of fire soil or vegetable soil to grow hypertrophic mushrooms. The second is covering plant ash: after growing abundant hyphae, scatter 1cm depth of plant ash to inhibit the speed to go sour of compost.
4. Use production promoter: in order to cultivate more mushrooms, before sowing, spray triacontanol that with the concentration of 0.6 to 0.8mg per kg to the compost. After uncovering film, spray 30% of Shuganling 400 Times Liquid to make the color of mushrooms lighter. When doing the windrow, add 0.2% of phytonutrient to gain weights of mushroom. 
5. Two inoculations: after the first picking, pry the level loose and pour lime water over, sow strains and cover a thin layer of fermented material. This method can increase the production of 20% to 30%.